A Permanent Vacation
Role: Founder and creative direction.
Project Overview: My own startup business that launched in 2014 and closed in 2017. I was involved in all facets of the business including overall vision and strategy, development and maintenance of business plans, product sales, customer experience and design of hard goods including backpacks, tote bags, dopp kits, body surfing handplanes and limited edition surfboards.
As an idea that started as a Tumblr site dedicated to travel and adventure photography, I wanted to create a destination where everyday guys could find the best assortment of carry products all in one place.
A special thanks to Valentich Bags for all their hard work and continued partnership. Without their designs and dedication, APV would not be possible.
Press Highlights:
Cool Hunting
Photography: Joshua Allen-Harris, Sean Ryan Pierce, Francis Tulk-Hart and Lacey.
Illustration: Ben Wiseman
Body surfing handplane: Tracy Customs