Gap Fall 2018
Role: Creative direction, concept development, strategic planning and graphic design for global advertising.
Project Overview: Leaning further into positivity and inspired by the Gap for Good initiative, we came back to the white space to see what’s possible when we bring together good people and good intentions. Good Creates Good.
Above: ALL GOOD. A song by KYLE and Madame Gandhi.
Over 60% of all daily social media posts are #positive. In collaboration with Twitter, we established a #positive search criteria, and scraped the social platform to create a song with each line made from real posts by real people.
Agency: Yard NYC
Campaign Director: Jaron Albertin
Retail Campaign Photographer: Oliver Hadlee Pearch
Digital Campaign Photographer: Lorenz Schmidl
Social Campaign Director: Jason Evans
We wanted to create content that inspired people to feel good, share good, shop good and look for the good in others. #goodcreatesgood